Arithmetic Progressions

Quantities are said to be in arithmetic progression when they increase or decrease by a common difference. Thus each of the following series form an arithmetic progression:

3,7,11,15.. a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d…

The common difference is found by subtracting any term of the series from the next term.

To find the Sum of the given number of Terms in a Arithmetic Progression

S = (n(a+L))/2

L= a + (n-1)d

S= n/2 * (2a+(n-1)d)

Let a denote the first term, d the common difference, and n the total number of terms. Also L is denoted as the last term and S the required sum.

When three quantities are in arithmetic progression, the middle one is said to be the arithmetic mean of the other two. Thus a is the arithmetic mean between a – d and a + d.

To Find the Arithmetic Mean between any two given quantities

Let a and b be two quantities and A be their arithmetic mean. Then since a, A, b are in A.P. we must have b-A = A-a. Each being equal to the common difference: This gives us


Two insert a given number of Arithmetic Means between Two given Quantities:

Let a and b be two given quantities and n be the number mean. Let d be the common difference. Hence d = (b-a)/(n+1).

And the required means are a+(b-a)/(n-1), a+2(b-a)/(n+1), … a+n(b-1)/n+1

Geometric Progression

Quantities are said to be in geometric progression when they increase of decrease by a constant factor. If we examine a series a, ar, arˆ2, ar^3,…. Let n be the number of terms and if l denote the last, or the nth term, we have 

l = ar^(n-1). 

When three quantities are in geometric progression, the middle one is called the geometric mean between the other two.

To find the Geometric Mean between two given quantities

Let a and b be two quantities, G the geometric mean. Then since a, G, b are in G.P. Hence    G = √ab.

To find the Sum of a Number of Terms in a Geometric Progression

Let a be the first term, r the common ratio, n the number of terms and Sⁿ be the sum of n terms.

if r>1, 

Sⁿ = (a(rⁿ-1)) / (r-1)ⁿ, 

if r<1, 

then Sⁿ = (a(rⁿ-1))/(r-1)

Sum of an infinite geometric progression where r < 1

S∞ = a/(1-r)

This formulae is used when common ratio of G.P is than one.

Harmonic Progression

Three quantities a, b, c are said to be in Harmonic Progression when a/c =(a-b)/(b-c)

To find the Harmonic Mean between two given quantities 

Let a, b be the two quantities, H their harmonic mean; then 1/a, 1/H, 1/b are in A.P

H = 2ab/(a+b)


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